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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Timmo's Personal Ponderous Proverbs - Verse 2

welcome again bredrins and sistrins to my Personal Ponderous Proverbs. Once again I have a useful pearl of wisdom to share with you thanks to my continued leraning curve here in the Uganda Massive. Here is Verse 2:

The man who is learning Luganda and payeth particular attention to details such as pronounciation will walk the road of success. However the man who doth not learn such subtleties of language will find himself walking the road of humiliation and ridicule.

The reason for this proverb is quite simple, years ago my Ugandan brother Jjunju taught me how to say in Luganda "what's gwarnin my bredrin?" (or "what's going on geeza" to those of you not from London). However, with the slightest change in pronounciation of the word that means "bredrin" it changes to mean "wife" . Yes I think you get the point now! One of the boys finally told me the other day whilst in hysterics and I realised why I'd been getting so many strange looks. Learn from my mistake my friends, learn well.

Got Myself a Cryin, Talkin, Sleepin, Walkin, Livin baby Mercy!

Man, never thought I'd be quoting a Cliff Richard Song! Anyway I realised that I haven't actually introduced y'all to Baby Mercy, one of the newer additions to River of Life Church. Breifly her story is that she was dumped with a grandmother and spent her first few months of life living in an old saucepan, thoroughly neglected, being fed mashed up sweet potato and water! Anyway, she is now with us and from having little to no love at all now has Mama Katende looking after her (one of the women working for the project) as well as 6 sisters and about 30 brothers who fight over holding her! She is quite a little character.

The exciting thing is that she has started to talk and the other day I managed to teach her to progress from Dada to Daddy!! She hasn't managed Mama yet (suprisingly) or Timmo (less suprisingly) but we're working on it!

The Reason We Hate Rats!!

For any of you that think that I should stop my obsession with catching and killing rats and have the opinion "Ohhh, you shouldn't be so cruel" please take note of the following evidence as to why all rats must be destroyed!! It's not even as if football shirts are that tastey which is why I think they are taunting me! Although the death toll is now over 20, they keep on coming and a group seem to have taken up perminent residence inside our sofas. If I was slightly more mentally unhinged then we'd have ourselves a little sofa BBQ and listen to them squeel! Give it a few more months and I may be at that point!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Timo's Personal Ponderous Proverbs

Welcome my bredrins and sistrins to a brand new section of my Blog - Timo's Personal Ponderous Proverbs. Quite simply, every so often I will be sharing with you some of my pearls of wisdom that I have acquired since I've been out here. I have already recieved much wisdom from the Lord whilst pondering life in Uganda and these pearls will come in the form of proverbs. Here is the first:

The man who doth get sunburnt lips and puteth there suncream is wise indeed.
However the man who doth get sunburnt lips and puteth there vaseline only causes his lips to frazzle even more and is a serious fool.(
Please see photo!)

There you go, be ready for another Ponderous Proverb soon and feel free to share your own!